Kubba hjól - Blátt

4.390 kr
Virðisaukaskattur innifalinn

LABEL LABEL er merki frá Belgíu með fallegum tré- og þroskaleikföngum

This shape sorting wheel comes with 6 different geometric shapes, including a triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart. Insert the different wooden shapes into the corresponding holes and move the column with the ball on it to remove the shapes to play again. It will provide children with endless fun, stimulate the development of not only shape recognition and colors, but also fine motor skills and dexterity. The wooden wheel stimulates motor movements for babies who are ready to crawl after it. Perfectly sized for little hands learning to grasp and explore.

  •  12+ mánaða

  • 15 x15 x 13cm

  • FSC vottað

  • Leikföngin frá LABEL LABEL eru gerð úr óeitraðri málningu og bleki í fullu samræmi við eða yfir nýjustu EN71, ASTM, ST & GB6675 öryggisstaðla leikfanga.